
Ebrex Cruise Services

Graphic design consultancy to ECS for more than 11 years: creation of the logo and corporate identity, design of all corporate printed material: business cards, letterhead paper, envelopes, corporate brochure, creation of panels for exhibition stand and design of goodies (bags, pen, note-pads, ozone purifier, etc), design of templates for digital presentations and creation of website (design and development).

Creation of logo and corporate identity

Business cards, christmas cards, background for virtual meetings, catalogue

Design of company profile and services brochures

Design of company brochure

Design of panels for exhibition stand

Design of marketing material / goodies

Creation of website (2014)

Website design and development

Ebrex Cruise Services
Ebrex Cruise Services (ECS) provides logistic services and supplies to the Cruise lines Industry in the Mediterranean area and all main ports worldwide. From purchase to on-board delivery, Ebrex Cruise Services takes care of each step of the supply chain.